• Hero of Robots is a hybrid arcade game. When the new card is obtained, the game starts. The player must scan three types of cards: Robot, Power, and Skill. When the battle starts, the player will attack first; while the other player will attack later. When the player's attacker chooses melee or shooting; the player's defender chooses either anti-melee or anti-shooting. When melee is against anti-melee, the defence will be successful. When shooting is against anti-shooting, defence is will also be successful. Melee move is against anti-shooting move, the attack will be successful. Shooting move is against anti-melee move, the attack will also be successful. Obtain energy after every battle. After an accumulation of enough energy, launch "level up" or "super level up" option on robot's moves. Pull down the lever. Unleash the energy to enhance robot's moves. When the opponent's HP goes down to zero, or the player's HP is higher than the other player after five rounds, you win the battle
  • A game to decide the strongest animal on earth. Animal Kaiser is a card based game where players choose an animal card, a strong card, and a miracle card to battle it out against another player or CPU opponent. Skilled players will know that choosing the right combination of cards is important as each card will have markings to show that they pair well with cards of the same markings. Once the cards are chosen, players can watch the animals battle it out to find out who truly is the king of animals. New players do not need to have existing cards to play. Default cards will be used when no other cards are used. Once the battle begins, players use the buttons on the control panel to determine the type of attack as well as the power to inflict on the opponent. At the end of the match, a new card is dispensed.
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