Dark Escape 4D features a light gun game and motion simulation seats! It is an interactive horror-themed machine from Namco and is a light gun shooting simulator that surpasses any previous 3D gaming experiences, coupling 3D graphics with sound, motion and wind effects to create a highly immersive entertainment experience.
The Deadstorm Pirates DX Arcade Machines a 2- player deluxe closed booth shooting game. The DX version features a moving platform base which moves the seat during game play. Experience a swashbuckling adventure with Deadstorm Pirates DX, where the players sit in the cabinet and play the role of pirates, defeating their enemies with a variety of weapons.
Dinosaur Century Arcade Machine features colourful, top notch graphics in a deluxe 4 player cabinet. During Dinosaur Century players travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs using a joystick or gun, taking out the biggest and baddest of the prehistoric era. Using the controls to select from multiple weapons, players earn points by blasting the hordes of dinosaurs that walk or fly across the screen. Taking out the largest dinosaurs – like the T-Rex – earns players the most points.
The gameplay is identical to that of Guitar Freaks and Beatmania. The screen scrolls in time to the music, and bars, separated into six columns, move from the top of the screen down to the bottom. When the bar reaches the line at the bottom of the screen, you hit the appropriate drum pad. Miss too many beats or drum off-time with the song, and your excite meter slowly drains. When it runs out, you lose.